Spacing Premium Nixalite® Bird Control
If you used the Planning Your Installation information, you should know how much Premium Nixalite is needed for each surface. If not please use our online estimator.

Our Automated Estimate Worksheet provides Ledge Depth Drawing for each surface. As each drawing provides the proper spacing between Premium Nixalite rows, you can skip this section and go directly to Surface Layout.
Premium Nixalite Spacing Guidelines
Choose the Spacing Guide that best suits your application. |
Spacing Premium Nixalite Model S
If installing Premium Nixalite Model S and no other model, see our installation guide.
If installing Premium Nixalite Model S with Premium Nixalite Model H on the same surface, see our installation guide. |
Spacing Premium Nixalite Model H
If installing Premium Nixalite Model H and no other model, see our installation guide. |
Spacing Premium Nixalite Model W
If you will be installing Model W Nixalite for any application, including Above Narrow Surfaces, Mud Swallow Installations, Climbing Animal Barrier Installations and Row Cap Installations, see our installation guide. |
Row Spacing
Nixalite Bird Spikes are physical barriers of set width, height and length. They protect only the space they occupy. If the surface is 3 to 4 times wider than the Premium Nixalite barrier, one row will not be sufficient when 3 to 4 rows are required. Do not stretch recommended spike strip quantities per surface. Do not stretch the recommended spacing between the spike strip rows. Always use the recommended spacing guidelines.
Where to go from here..
Once the location of the surface the strips is determined, the next step is to mark the strip locations on the surface.
To continue with a Premium Nixalite installation, go to: Surface Layout. |