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Effective Pest Bird & Wildlife Control Solutions Proud to be Family Owned and Operated Since 1950!

Swallow Control Products

swallow nest imageNixalite Swallow Control Products combine Premium bird spike Models S and H together to create an effective barrier against mud nest building birds.

Adult Swallows are about 7” long, stand 4” high and have a 13” wingspan. They weigh less than 1 ounce and vary in color between species. Females are less colorful. You can find Swallows feeding in open habitats such as fields, parks, marshes, meadows, ponds, and coastal waters. Their nests are often easy to spot under protected overhangs.

Barn Swallows lay 3 to 7 eggs in each brood and can hatch broods twice a year. Broods fledge in about 2 weeks. Both sexes construct the nest of mud pellets. If attached to a wall or beam, the nest is half-cup shaped. If on top of a surface, the nest forms a perfect small cup about 3” wide.

Premium Nixalite Bird Spikes
Premium Nixalite Bird Spikes
  • Worlds Most Effective Bird Spike 
  • 100% Stainless Steel
  • 120 Points Per Foot 
  • 2' or 4' Strips Install Quickly
  • 1/4" Stainless Steel base strip
  • Stainless Steel Hardware Included
  • Effective For ALL Sizes of Birds
  • Light to Very Heavy Bird Pressure
  • Made in the U.S. A.
  • 20 Year Warranty
  • $$$
Bird Netting
Bird Netting
Bird Netting and exclusive Bird Net Accessories. Nixalite offers an impressive line of multi-use bird netting and many bird net accessories. Everything you need to professionally complete a bird netting installation. Bird netting is an effective solution for bird exclusion.

Avian Fog Force TR
Avian Fog Force TR
Avian Fog Force™ is a non-lethal automated time-release aerosol bird repellent that discourages nuisance birds from congregating in garages, storage buildings etc.
Copper Blocker Pest Stopper
Copper Blocker Pest Stopper
Keep small birds, bats, rodents and insects from getting through the cracks with Copper Blocker pest stopper. Copper mesh 100 foot roll x 5 inches wide.
EcoBird 14.5 Bird Repellent Spray
EcoBird 14.5 Bird Repellent Spray
EcoBird 14.5 Goose & Bird Repellent Spray is an easy to use Methyl Anthranilate (MA) water based bird repellent.   It must be eaten or inhaled by the birds before they get the repellent effect and learn to avoid treated areas.
Premium Wall Vents
Premium Wall Vents
Introducing the 6WV Series Premium Wall Vent. It is THE choice for letting exterior beauty shine through when venting range hood vents, bathroom exhausts, and HVAC systems that use 6-inch ducting.  Go ahead. Pick up the 6WV Series Premium Wall Vent. It’s heavy. Well engineered and manufactured to withstand the test of time.  Available in a No Collar design.
Dryer Wall Vents
Dryer Wall Vents
The low profile DryerWallVent® is a superior, safer choice for venting dryer exhaust to the exterior. DryerWallVent’s large opening and angled damper provide maximum airflow efficiency for safe venting of the dryer. Integrated magnets keep the damper closed when the dryer is not in use, keeping pests and elements on the outside. Available in a No Collar design.
Pest Armor Ridge Vent Guard High Profile
Pest Armor Ridge Vent Guard High Profile
Pest Armor’s architectural steel exclusion mesh offers tremendous versatility. High Profile Z-Mesh provides the perfect exclusion solution for Roof Ridge Vents. Keep those critters out!


Pest Armor Ridge Vent Guard Low Profile
Pest Armor Ridge Vent Guard Low Profile
Pest Armor’s architectural steel exclusion mesh offers tremendous versatility. Low Profile Z-Mesh provides the perfect exclusion solution for Roof Ridge Vents. Keep those critters out!
Pest Armor Solar Panel Exclusion Mesh
Pest Armor Solar Panel Exclusion Mesh
Pest Armor L Mesh Exclusion Screen for protection from rodents, birds, squirrels and other small critters.  The 48” lengths are easy-to-handle and ship.


Pest Armor Tight Mesh Panel
Pest Armor Tight Mesh Panel
Pest Armors NEW steel exclusion mesh panels offer tremendous versatility when faced with unique exclusion challenges.  28"x31-1/4" Flat mesh panels.  Available in Black or White color.
SolaTrim Pest Barrier
SolaTrim Pest Barrier
The SolaTrim Pest Barrier is an all-weather, long lasting pest, bird and debris abatement system designed to prevent birds, rodents, and critters from nesting under or damaging residential solar panel system arrays.
Chimney Guards
Chimney Guards
Stop animals from getting into your home! Single flue guards are made in the USA from 18 ga. expanded metal mesh in stainless or black painted galvanized steel. Tamper proof bolt-on design that pests cannot remove.
Defender Access Plus Dryer Vent Guards
Defender Access Plus Dryer Vent Guards
The Defender dryer vent guards has vertical bars keep the air flowing, allowing lint to pass through and minimizing blockages. New style has a drop down front for easy cleaning. The Defender stops birds and squirrels from entering the dryer exhaust system and making it their home. Made in the USA from zinc coated steel with a powder coated finish. Building code compliant with IMC 504.4 & IRC 1502.3.
Dryer Vent Guards
Dryer Vent Guards
Stops persistent birds, squirrels and other pests from living in exhaust vents. Fits over most 3 and 4 inch dryer/bathroom vents. Made in the USA from white, powder coated stainless steel wire mesh. Use screws to install (not supplied). IN STOCK
Tight Mesh VentGuards
Tight Mesh VentGuards
Hy-Guard Exclusion's® NEW 1/4" Tight Mesh Roof Ventguard™ is a strong 1/4-inch, 21-guage tight mesh steel barrier that protects roof vents from animals, birds, stinkbugs, and stinging insects. Provides a clean, professional exclusion solution.  Use screws/nails to install (not supplied).
Roof Vent Guards
Roof Vent Guards
Protect your property from pest birds and animals with Roof Vent Guards from Nixalite. Made in the USA from 18 ga. 5/8" expanded metal mesh in stainless steel or black painted galvanized steel. Other sizes available. Use screws/nails to install (not supplied).

Impact on Human Health: As insect eaters, Barn Swallows are usually well tolerated. The birds often carry avian lice and bird mites. When nesting in colonies, their droppings and parasites can present a threat to human health.

Impact on Architecture: Swallow colonies can have hundreds of birds and mud nests. The sheer weight of these nests can collapse structures. If forcibly torn down, the residue that holds the nest together can damage the surface. Swallows can be particularly destructive when mass colonies nest under interstate or highway bridges that cross rivers.

Swallow Fact Sheet