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Effective Pest Bird & Wildlife Control Solutions Proud to be Family Owned and Operated Since 1950!

Grackle Control Products

grackle imageNixalite Grackle Control Products include bird spike barriers and quality bird netting. Common Grackles are large, lanky birds with long legs and tail. Males are the larger of the species. An adult stands 9” high and is 13” long. Wingspans are up to 18” wide and weights are about 5 ounces.

From a distance the plumage looks black, but a closer view shows iridescent dark purple/blue head with an iridescent dark bronze body. A bright golden eye gives it a nononsense expression.

Grackle Fact Sheet 

Bird Netting
Bird Netting
Bird Netting and exclusive Bird Net Accessories. Nixalite offers an impressive line of multi-use bird netting and many bird net accessories. Everything you need to professionally complete a bird netting installation. Bird netting is an effective solution for bird exclusion.

Bird Haze Generators
Bird Haze Generators
Nixalite's Bird Dispersal Hazing Systems are designed to disperse a thin haze of MA (Methyl Anthranilate) bird repellent to disperse flying birds. Bird hazing can provide effective bird dispersal in locations where other methods of bird control would be impractical.
Acoustic Dispersal
Acoustic Dispersal
Nixalite's Acoustic Hailing & Bird Dispersal Systems comprises multiple models of long-range, high-power devices specifically engineered to transmit clear and precise communications, instructions, warnings, animal calls, and other essential information across vast distances with exceptional clarity.

Avian Control Bird Repellent
Avian Control Bird Repellent
An EPA Registered liquid bird repellent that helps repel pest birds without harming them. Avian Control Bird Repellent is a Contact Repellent. The target birds must inhale or ingest the repellent to get the repellent effect. It can be sprayed or fogged outdoors.
EcoBird 14.5 Bird Repellent Spray
EcoBird 14.5 Bird Repellent Spray
EcoBird 14.5 Goose & Bird Repellent Spray is an easy to use Methyl Anthranilate (MA) water based bird repellent.   It must be eaten or inhaled by the birds before they get the repellent effect and learn to avoid treated areas.
Pest Armor Solar Panel Exclusion Mesh
Pest Armor Solar Panel Exclusion Mesh
Pest Armor L Mesh Exclusion Screen for protection from rodents, birds, squirrels and other small critters.  The 48” lengths are easy-to-handle and ship.


SolaTrim Pest Barrier
SolaTrim Pest Barrier
The SolaTrim Pest Barrier is an all-weather, long lasting pest, bird and debris abatement system designed to prevent birds, rodents, and critters from nesting under or damaging residential solar panel system arrays.
EcoBird 4.0 Fogging Bird Repellent
EcoBird 4.0 Fogging Bird Repellent
EcoBird 4.0 Fogging Bird Repellent is a Methyl Anthranilate (MA) based bird repellent that is applied with pulse jet thermal foggers, mechanical cold foggers and aerosol generators. EcoBird is a contact repellent - the birds must be exposed to the fog or haze to get the repellent effect. IN STOCK
Nixalite Model S Bird Spikes
Nixalite Model S Bird Spikes
  • Measures 4" high, 4" wide
  • 120 wire spikes per foot
  • 100% Stainless Steel construction
  • Gap-free 180º wire coverage
  • Available in 2ft or 4ft strips
  • Includes Mounting Hardware
  • Ledges, Parapets and columns
  • I-beams, pipes and conduit
  • Roofs, gutters and eaves
  • Lights, signs, solar panels
  • Bridges, utility poles
  • Weather stations and more...
Nixalite Model H Bird Spikes
Nixalite Model H Bird Spikes

  • Measures 4" high, 2" wide
  • 60 wire spikes per foot
  • 100% Stainless Steel construction
  • Gap-free 90º wire coverage
  • Available in 2ft or 4ft strips
  • Includes Mounting Hardware
  • May be installed on single exposed surfaces, 2" or less in depth.
PiGNX Bio-Repellent
PiGNX Bio-Repellent
PIGNX is an EPA registed bird repellent that uses mineral oil and capsaicin to keep birds from landing or roosting on structural surfaces such as ledges, window sills, beams, parapets and more.
AirCrow Inflatable Scare Crow
AirCrow Inflatable Scare Crow
Nixalite's is the first inflatable scarecrow specifically designed to humanely defend gardens, hobby orchards, small vineyards, boat docks, gazeboes, landscaping and more. IN STOCK
Copper Blocker Pest Stopper
Copper Blocker Pest Stopper
Keep small birds, bats, rodents and insects from getting through the cracks with Copper Blocker pest stopper. Copper mesh 100 foot roll x 5 inches wide.
Chimney Guards
Chimney Guards
Stop animals from getting into your home! Single flue guards are made in the USA from 18 ga. expanded metal mesh in stainless or black painted galvanized steel. Tamper proof bolt-on design that pests cannot remove.
Dryer Vent Guards
Dryer Vent Guards
Stops persistent birds, squirrels and other pests from living in exhaust vents. Fits over most 3 and 4 inch dryer/bathroom vents. Made in the USA from white, powder coated stainless steel wire mesh. Use screws to install (not supplied). IN STOCK
Tight Mesh VentGuards
Tight Mesh VentGuards
Hy-Guard Exclusion's® NEW 1/4" Tight Mesh Roof Ventguard™ is a strong 1/4-inch, 21-guage tight mesh steel barrier that protects roof vents from animals, birds, stinkbugs, and stinging insects. Provides a clean, professional exclusion solution.  Use screws/nails to install (not supplied).
Roof Vent Guards
Roof Vent Guards
Protect your property from pest birds and animals with Roof Vent Guards from Nixalite. Made in the USA from 18 ga. 5/8" expanded metal mesh in stainless steel or black painted galvanized steel. Other sizes available. Use screws/nails to install (not supplied).
Scare Away Bird Tape
Scare Away Bird Tape
Scare Away Bird Tape is a simple and economical deterrent for nuisance birds. This reflecve holographic tape has an adhesive backing that allows you to peel and stick it on all types of solid surfaces.  Available in 50 Foot Rolls.

Repeller Ribbon
Repeller Ribbon
Scare birds away with this holographic metallic ribbon that provides economical and humane spot control for nuisance birds. Available in 50, 100 & 200 Foot Rolls.

Impact on Human Health: Common Grackles are abundant and widespread. If present in large numbers their waste can accumulate quickly. Their droppings are acidic and can contain more than 60 transmittable diseases.

Impact on Architecture: The most common complaint for Grackles is the damage they do to agriculture (from farm fields to gardens). Grackles can do immense damage to crops of all kinds. They gather in large flocks, often with other bird species to eat grains, ripening fruits and berries, grass seed and more. If they are roosting on or above a structure, their droppings can damage nearly any architectural surface.