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Effective Pest Bird & Wildlife Control Solutions Proud to be Family Owned and Operated Since 1950!

Deer Control Products

deer photoNixalite Deer Control Products are effective and humane methods of deer control. Nixalite has 7 lines of deer fencing with hardware options, deer repellents and deer deterrents to stop damage to your property. In North America whitetail deer can be found in southern Canada and most of the United States, except for the Southwest, Alaska and Hawaii.

While they prefer natural settings, over population and loss of natural habitat often forces whitetails into urban settings like golf courses, cemeteries, public parks, backyards, riverfronts, sod farms, corn and soybean fields, etc.

Whitetail deer are herbivores and will eat soybeans, plant shoots, leaves, cactus pads, grasses, hay, clover, acorns, fruit and grains. Their special stomach allows them to digest such things as toxic mushrooms and poison ivy plants.

For more infromation on deer habitat and control methods check out Nixalite's Deer Fact Sheet 

Wildlife Propane Cannon
Wildlife Propane Cannon
Wildlife propane cannons are humane, effective solutions for scaring birds and wildlife from large open areas. Many options are available to cover most situations. Sound pressure measures 130dB @ 1m.
HyperSpike HS-10 Portable Acoustic Hailing Device
HyperSpike HS-10 Portable Acoustic Hailing Device
 Nixalite announces the next generation of technology from HyperSpike. The NEW HS-10R has a peak acoustic output of 144dB for a communication range of 750+ m. Two models weighing in at only 12lbs and 15lbs.
Deer Blocker Deer Fence
Deer Blocker Deer Fence
  • Strong, long lasting deer fence
  • Available in 8 foot heights
  • 100 or 300 foot lengths
  • Mesh size: 2 1/2" square 
  • 175 lb breaking strength
  • UV Resistant polyethylene
  • 380 dernier, 36 ply, knotted mesh
  • Heavy duty 5/16" woven border on all sides
Standard Deer Fence Select
Standard Deer Fence Select
  • Available in 7.5 foot heights
  • 100 or 330 foot lengths
  • Mesh size: 1 3/4" x 2"
  • Up to 5 Year Life Expectancy
  • Economical and Made In the USA
  • 377 lbs tensile strength per foot
  • UV Resistant polypropylene
  • Easy to install, cut and customize
Xtra Strength Deer Fence Premium
Xtra Strength Deer Fence Premium
  • Available in 7.5 foot heights
  • 100, 164 and 330 foot lengths
  • Mesh size: 1 3/4" x 2"
  • Up to 15 Year Life Expectancy
  • Economical and Made In the USA
  • 548 lbs tensile strength per foot
  • UV Resistant polypropylene
  • Easy to install, cut and customize
Maximum Strength Deer Fence Select
Maximum Strength Deer Fence Select
  • Available in 7.5 foot heights
  • 100 and 165 foot lengths
  • Mesh size: 1 3/4" x 2"
  • Up to 20 Year Life Expectancy
  • 890.5 lbs tensile strength per foot
  • UV Resistant polypropylene
  • Easy to install, cut and customize
UltraMax Deer and Elk Fence
UltraMax Deer and Elk Fence
  • Available in 8 ft high fences
  • 100 foot lengths
  • Mesh size: 1" x 1 1/2"
  • Up to 25 Year Life Expectancy
  • Economical and Made In the USA
  • 1,405 lbs tensile strength per foot
  • UV Resistant polypropylene
  • Easy to install, cut and customize
EZ-Set Deer Fence Posts
EZ-Set Deer Fence Posts
Nixalite has everything you need to make your Deer enclosure a success. EZ-Set posts are 2 piece angle iron posts that bolt together to attach deer fence. Accessories are available.
Premium Deer Fence Posts
Premium Deer Fence Posts
Nixalite has everything you need to make your Deer enclosure a success. Premium Post includes; 1-9ft post w/cap and a 30" steel ground sleeve. Accessories are available.
Deer Stopper Deer Repellent
Deer Stopper Deer Repellent
Messina Wildlife Deer Stopper is an all natural effective, safe and pleasant smelling liquid deer repellent that can be used on any type of plant. Protects flower and vegetable gardens, saplings, fruit trees, shrubs and more.
PLOTSAVER Ribbon and Deer Repellent System
PLOTSAVER Ribbon and Deer Repellent System
The Plot Saver Ribbon and Deer Repellent system creates a simple but very effective sensory perimeter barrier for deer, elk and moose. Use to protect large open areas or just select areas in and around the property.
AirCrow Inflatable Scare Crow
AirCrow Inflatable Scare Crow
Nixalite's is the first inflatable scarecrow specifically designed to humanely defend gardens, hobby orchards, small vineyards, boat docks, gazeboes, landscaping and more. IN STOCK

Deer Impact on Human Health: Every year in the US there is an average of 1.2 million deer-to-vehicle collisions that kill 200 people, injure 26,000 and cost 4 billion dollars in vehicle damages. This is the PRIMARY impact deer have on people. Whitetails can carry diseases that can be transmitted to both humans and other animals. These include; Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD), Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), Lyme disease, Bovine Tuberculosis (bTB), and Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD).

Deer Impact on Property: Hungry deer can eat just about any plant. They can damage or destroy landscaping, flower and vegetable gardens, lawns, plant nurseries, tree seedlings, berry patches, strawberry fields, orchards and vineyards.

Deer Fact Sheet