Heron/Egret Control Products
Nixalite Heron/Egret Control Products control misbehavior of congragating large wading birds. Look for Great Blue Herons and Great Egrets in saltwater and freshwater habitats, from open coasts, marshes, sloughs, riverbanks, and lakes to backyard goldfish ponds.They also forage in grasslands and agricultural fields.
The Great Blue Heron is the largest North American heron with long legs, a sinuous neck and a thick dagger like bill. It can be 50” long, stand 48” high, with a wingspan up to 80”. Despite the large size, most Great Blue Herons weigh only about 5 pounds.
Great Egrets are similarly built like Great Blue Herons but are white in color with all yellow bills.
Heron Fact Sheet
Acoustic Dispersal
Nixalite's Acoustic Hailing & Bird Dispersal Systems comprises multiple models of long-range, high-power devices specifically engineered to transmit clear and precise communications, instructions, warnings, animal calls, and other essential information across vast distances with exceptional clarity.
Pulse Jet Thermal Foggers
Nixalite Pulse Jet Thermal Foggers are ideal for mosquito and flying insect control, crawling insect control, bird repellent fogging, smoke/odor abatement, heavy commercial fogging, military and police force training, special effects and more.
Bird Haze Generators
Nixalite's Bird Dispersal Hazing Systems are designed to disperse a thin haze of MA (Methyl Anthranilate) bird repellent to disperse flying birds. Bird hazing can provide effective bird dispersal in locations where other methods of bird control would be impractical.
Avian Control Bird Repellent
An EPA Registered liquid bird repellent that helps repel pest birds without harming them.
Avian Control Bird Repellent is a Contact Repellent.
The target birds must inhale or ingest the repellent to get the repellent effect. It can be sprayed or fogged outdoors.
PollyNet Premium Bird Netting
5 Year Limited Warranty
Black Polypropylene HD
1/2" (12.7mm) Mesh Size
Tensile Strength: 219 lbs/ ft
UV & Rot Resistant
14 ft. Wide
50, 100, 200 & 3000 ft.
Made In The USA
PollyNet Lightweight Bird Netting
Black Polypropylene
2 Slightly Differnt Mesh Sizes:
.63" x .75" Mesh Size "Lnetting"
.79" x .79" Square Mesh "Lnet"
Tensile Strength: 68.5 lbs/ ft
Multiple Lengths and Widths
Made In The USA
Protective Pond Netting Kits
Protect your pond from predators and debris with Pond Netting kits. These kits come in 3 sizes; 7’x10’, 14’x20’ and 28’x30’ and feature a 3/4" diamond mesh. Choose the kit size that will cover your water feature completely.
AirCrow Inflatable Scare Crow
Nixalite's is the first inflatable scarecrow specifically designed to humanely defend gardens, hobby orchards, small vineyards, boat docks, gazeboes, landscaping and more.
Alligator Guard
Realistic floating alligators scare away fish-eating pests like Herons, Egrets, Cormorants and other hungry animals.
Impact on Human Health: Great Blue Herons and Great Egrets nest almost exclusively in trees in remote areas and have little impact on human health. They rarely nest on man made structures.
Impact on Aquaculture: The Great Blue Herons’ and Egrets appetite for fish, crawfish and other farmed marine species make them a huge problem for hatcheries, nurseries, fish ponds and more. They can do untold damage at trout, catfish and crawfish farms and can devour the entire population of backyard goldfish and coy ponds.
Heron Fact Sheet