Woodpecker Control Products
Nixalite Woodpecker Control Products help stop the destruction to homes and siding.
Woodpecker sizes vary. The giant Piliated Woodpecker can be 22” long and have a 33” wing span. The small Downy Woodpecker is 5” long with a 10” wing span. Markings vary widely. Dark plumage is often iridescent while head and chest markings are often bright white, red or yellow. ALL Woodpeckers have long, strong bills for drilling into or drumming on trees.
In general, woodpeckers live in wooded or forested habitats. Some are migratory while others stay in the same area all year. They can inhabit man made objects made of wood or soft materials (EIFS, drywall, plywood, shingles, etc).
Bird Deterrents
At Nixalite you will find an extensive selection of Bird Deterrent Products for dificult pest bird problems. Nixalite bird deterrents help deter pest birds bird from landing, roosting and nesting on protected areas.
Avian Control Bird Repellent
An EPA Registered liquid bird repellent that helps repel pest birds without harming them.
Avian Control Bird Repellent is a Contact Repellent.
The target birds must inhale or ingest the repellent to get the repellent effect. It can be sprayed or fogged outdoors.
Avian Fog Force TR
Avian Fog Force™ is a non-lethal automated time-release aerosol bird repellent that discourages nuisance birds from congregating in garages, storage buildings etc.
EcoBird 14.5 Bird Repellent Spray
EcoBird 14.5 Goose & Bird Repellent Spray is an easy to use Methyl Anthranilate (MA) water based bird repellent. It must be eaten or inhaled by the birds before they get the repellent effect and learn to avoid treated areas.
Premium Wall Vents
Introducing the 6WV Series Premium Wall Vent. It is THE choice for letting exterior beauty shine through when venting range hood vents, bathroom exhausts, and HVAC systems that use 6-inch ducting. Go ahead. Pick up the 6WV Series Premium Wall Vent. It’s heavy. Well engineered and manufactured to withstand the test of time. Available in a No Collar design.
Dryer Wall Vents
The low profile DryerWallVent® is a superior, safer choice for venting dryer exhaust to the exterior. DryerWallVent’s large opening and angled damper provide maximum airflow efficiency for safe venting of the dryer. Integrated magnets keep the damper closed when the dryer is not in use, keeping pests and elements on the outside.
Available in a No Collar design.
Pest Armor Solar Panel Exclusion Mesh
Pest Armor L Mesh Exclusion Screen for protection from rodents, birds, squirrels and other small critters. The 48” lengths are easy-to-handle and ship.
Pest Armor Tight Mesh Panel
Pest Armors NEW steel exclusion mesh panels offer tremendous versatility when faced with unique exclusion challenges. 28"x31-1/4" Flat mesh panels. Available in Black or White color.
SolaTrim Pest Barrier
The SolaTrim Pest Barrier is an all-weather, long lasting pest, bird and debris abatement system designed to prevent birds, rodents, and critters from nesting under or damaging residential solar panel system arrays.
Scare Away Bird Tape
Scare Away Bird Tape is a simple and economical deterrent for nuisance birds. This reflecve holographic tape has an adhesive backing that allows you to peel and stick it on all types of solid surfaces. Available in 50 Foot Rolls.
Repeller Ribbon
Scare birds away with this holographic metallic ribbon that provides economical and humane spot control for nuisance birds. Available in 50, 100 & 200 Foot Rolls.
Bird Scare Predator Eye
Scare eye is a visual bird scare eye balloon deterrent that creates a predatory presence with staring “eyes”, movement and bright colors.
AirCrow Inflatable Scare Crow
Nixalite's is the first inflatable scarecrow specifically designed to humanely defend gardens, hobby orchards, small vineyards, boat docks, gazeboes, landscaping and more.
Impact on Human Health: Inhabitation can lead to bird mite infestations. Most of the time, Woodpeckers are solitary and do not accumulate bird waste in large quantities like other social species.
Impact on Architecture: Woodpeckers can severely damage man made structures. During nesting/mating season, they can excavate dozens of holes in the exterior of a house. If clad with EIFS systems, woodpeckers penetrate the outer coating and burrow deep into the insulating rigid foam, compromising the entire system. They drum loudly on hollow metal or wood surfaces to announce their presence or dominance. This drumming usually occurs just before or at dawn when it is the least appreciated by people.
Woodpecker Fact Sheet