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Effective Pest Bird & Wildlife Control Solutions Proud to be Family Owned and Operated Since 1950!

Squirrel Control Products

squirrel in feeder imageNixalite Squirrel Control Products include live capture traps, repellents, animal control spikes and more.

While there are 40 different species, we will concentrate on the Grey and Fox tree squirrels as they are the most commonly reported pest species. Greys are usually dark grey on top with a white belly. Fox Squirrels are usually a red tinged grey on top with a reddish tan belly. Color varies for both species ranging from full black to albino white.

Tree squirrels live most of their lives in trees. They prefer forested to semiwooded areas in both wild and urban settings. They live in trees that are close to nut and seed producing plants as well as grass with edible shoots. They build nests 20 to 50 feet up a tree, using height as a deterrent to predators.

Tree Squirrels are rodents and are susceptible to the diseases carried and transmitted by other rodents. However, the most common complaint for tree squirrels is the physical damage they do to homes, buildings and other sturctures.

Squirrel Fact Sheet  

Nixalite Model S Bird Spikes
Nixalite Model S Bird Spikes
  • Measures 4" high, 4" wide
  • 120 wire spikes per foot
  • 100% Stainless Steel construction
  • Gap-free 180º wire coverage
  • Available in 2ft or 4ft strips
  • Includes Mounting Hardware
  • Ledges, Parapets and columns
  • I-beams, pipes and conduit
  • Roofs, gutters and eaves
  • Lights, signs, solar panels
  • Bridges, utility poles
  • Weather stations and more...
Nixalite Model W Bird Spikes
Nixalite Model W Bird Spikes

  • Measures 5.5" high, 3" wide
  • 120 wire spikes per foot
  • 100% Stainless Steel construction
  • Gap-free 180º wire coverage
  • Available in 2ft or 4ft strips
  • Includes Mounting Hardware
  • Install on vertical surfaces only!
  • Use with Premium Nixalite Model S as a climbing animal barrier on poles, columns, posts, walls, supports, pipes etc.
Nixalite Wildlife Barrier Kit
Nixalite Wildlife Barrier Kit

Keep birds and climbing animals away with Nixalite Bird and Animal Spikes.
  • Premium Model S Spikes
  • For Climbing Animals & Birds
  • 100% Stainless Steel Spikes
  • Each kit contains 5 - 2ft strips
  • Mounting hardware is included
  • Physical barrier - no chemicals
  • Easy to install barrier
  • Made In The USA
Chimney Guards
Chimney Guards
Stop animals from getting into your home! Single flue guards are made in the USA from 18 ga. expanded metal mesh in stainless or black painted galvanized steel. Tamper proof bolt-on design that pests cannot remove.
Tight Mesh VentGuards
Tight Mesh VentGuards
Hy-Guard Exclusion's® NEW 1/4" Tight Mesh Roof Ventguard™ is a strong 1/4-inch, 21-guage tight mesh steel barrier that protects roof vents from animals, birds, stinkbugs, and stinging insects. Provides a clean, professional exclusion solution.  Use screws/nails to install (not supplied).
Roof Vent Guards
Roof Vent Guards
Protect your property from pest birds and animals with Roof Vent Guards from Nixalite. Made in the USA from 18 ga. 5/8" expanded metal mesh in stainless steel or black painted galvanized steel. Other sizes available. Use screws/nails to install (not supplied).
Dryer Vent Guards
Dryer Vent Guards
Stops persistent birds, squirrels and other pests from living in exhaust vents. Fits over most 3 and 4 inch dryer/bathroom vents. Made in the USA from white, powder coated stainless steel wire mesh. Use screws to install (not supplied). IN STOCK
Defender Access Plus Dryer Vent Guards
Defender Access Plus Dryer Vent Guards
The Defender dryer vent guards has vertical bars keep the air flowing, allowing lint to pass through and minimizing blockages. New style has a drop down front for easy cleaning. The Defender stops birds and squirrels from entering the dryer exhaust system and making it their home. Made in the USA from zinc coated steel with a powder coated finish. Building code compliant with IMC 504.4 & IRC 1502.3.
PVC Termination Vent Screen
PVC Termination Vent Screen
Prevent wildlife, leaves and debris from getting into your PVC exhaust vent pipes. Easily attaches to standard PVC pipe fitting flange.(not included) Available in 2", 3", 4" and 6" sizes.
Batcone Wildlife Excluders
Batcone Wildlife Excluders
Batcone Excluders are easy to install, safe, humane, reusable and recyclable. Professional Exclusion Products for Bats, Birds, Rats and More.
Solar Panel Exclusion
Solar Panel Exclusion
Protect solar panels with SolarGuard bird screen wire mesh and clip system that prevents pest birds and animals from getting behind the solar panels.  This no drill solution provides long lasting and discreet exclusion.
SolaTrim Pest Barrier
SolaTrim Pest Barrier
The SolaTrim Pest Barrier is an all-weather, long lasting pest, bird and debris abatement system designed to prevent birds, rodents, and critters from nesting under or damaging residential solar panel system arrays.
Pest Armor Solar Panel Exclusion Mesh
Pest Armor Solar Panel Exclusion Mesh
Pest Armor L Mesh Exclusion Screen for protection from rodents, birds, squirrels and other small critters.  The 48” lengths are easy-to-handle and ship.


Pest Armor Ridge Vent Guard High Profile
Pest Armor Ridge Vent Guard High Profile
Pest Armor’s architectural steel exclusion mesh offers tremendous versatility. High Profile Z-Mesh provides the perfect exclusion solution for Roof Ridge Vents. Keep those critters out!


Pest Armor Ridge Vent Guard Low Profile
Pest Armor Ridge Vent Guard Low Profile
Pest Armor’s architectural steel exclusion mesh offers tremendous versatility. Low Profile Z-Mesh provides the perfect exclusion solution for Roof Ridge Vents. Keep those critters out!
Pest Armor Tight Mesh Panel
Pest Armor Tight Mesh Panel
Pest Armors NEW steel exclusion mesh panels offer tremendous versatility when faced with unique exclusion challenges.  28"x31-1/4" Flat mesh panels.  Available in Black or White color.
Copper Blocker Pest Stopper
Copper Blocker Pest Stopper
Keep small birds, bats, rodents and insects from getting through the cracks with Copper Blocker pest stopper. Copper mesh 100 foot roll x 5 inches wide.
Repeating Small Animal Trap 24x24x4
Repeating Small Animal Trap 24x24x4
Repeating Small Animal Trap is ideal for low clearance areas such as attics and crawl spaces. Catch multiple squirrels without resetting the trap. Made from 14 gauge galvanized welded wire. 24"x24"x4"  #THM30H OUT OF STOCK
Small Animal Trap Front Release 18x5x5
Small Animal Trap Front Release 18x5x5
Live capture trap designed for chipmunks, small squirrels, rats, gophers and similar small animals. Built to last for years, quality inspected and easy to set and use. One front release door. 18"x5"x5"  #TH102XL IN STOCK
Spray Proof Skunk Trap
Spray Proof Skunk Trap
Stops skunks from raising their tails to spray. Keeps you safer while approaching and transporting the trap. Made of durable PVC with heavy duty steel linkage and hardware.  23" Long, 6" Diameter #TH623RD OUT OF STOCK
Galvanized Wire Mesh
Galvanized Wire Mesh
Nixalite offers full rolls of galvanized wire mesh barriers. Ideal for keeping out nuisance animals and birds, the welded wire mesh barriers can be cut to fit, molded into shapes and installed over, under or around all types of objects, gaps, openings and more.
Stainless Steel Wire Mesh
Stainless Steel Wire Mesh
Nixalite offers full rolls of stainless steel wire mesh barriers. Ideal for keeping out nuisance animals and birds, the welded wire mesh can be cut to fit, molded into shapes and installed over, under or around all types of objects, gaps, openings and more. IN STOCK
AUF - Animal Urine Remover
AUF - Animal Urine Remover
AUF™ totally digests animal urine, marking scents and odors everywhere. It effectivley digests urine from animals of every shape and size.

Impact on Human Health: Tree Squirrels are rodents and are susceptible to the diseases carried and transmitted by rodents. However, the most common complaint for tree squirrels is the physical damage they do to homes, buildings and other sturctures.

Impact on Architecture: When Tree Squirrels nest in man-made structures, they can damage wiring, insulation, HVAC systems, lights, siding and more. Their habit of chewing on power cables causes power outages and electrical fires. They raid bird feeders and take seed and suet intended for birds. Inquisitive and persistent, squirrels go to great lengths to get to nests or food. They can chew through wood, vinyl and sheet metal surfaces to get in attics, crawlspaces, ductwork and chimneys.

Squirrel Fact Sheet