Angle Cable Guide installation specs
Fasten the Angle brackets to the surface using the fastener that best suites the surface material. Make sure the hardware will fit through the 1/4” mounting hole.
Make sure the Angle bracket cable guide is aligned so the cable will pass cleanly through the ¼” diameter hole.
When installed properly the cable will be within 1/2” of the installation surface.
When and Where to Use the Angle Bracket Cable Guide:
The Angle Brackets are designed to be used as Cable Guides on all types of installation surfaces. Used with the tensioned perimeter cable systems for bird netting and to secure the welded wire mesh barriers.
Angle Bracket Cable Guide Installation Tips:
Fasteners not included. Choose the fastener that best suits the installation surface.
Make sure the Angle Bracket is aligned with the path of the cable.
IMPORTANT: Always make sure the the surface will support the tension from the cable system. Do not attach corner hardware to surfaces in poor condition or where there is no structural support.
Always follow the Cable and Cable Hardware maintenance schedules available from Nixalite of America Inc.
Tensioned Cable Hardware - Provides a solid perimeter and support foundation to which all types of bird netting can be fastened.
Cable Guides - Hardware designed to keep the cable close to the installation surface and prevent gaps between the surface and the bird netting.
Angle Bracket Cable Guides
Available in Stainless Steel or Galvanized
Angle Brackets are used as Cable Guides on all types of installation surfaces.
Heavy gauge stainless steel or galvanized metal bracket with 2 – 1/4” diameter mounting holes. Simple, versatile and long lasting cable guide.
Accepts all manner of mechanical fasteners that will fit through the 1/4” diameter mounting holes. Use the hardware best suited to the surface material. Fasteners not included.
Install all cable guides every 2 feet along the path of a straight cable run. Tighter spacing (closer together) may be needed on curved or complex surfaces to keep the cable close to the installation surfaces.
Angle Bracket Cable Guides are sold in packages of 10.
Tensioned Cable Hardware Installation
Estimate for Net Hardware
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