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Effective Pest Bird & Wildlife Control Solutions Proud to be Family Owned and Operated Since 1950!

Large Repeating Sparrow Trap 36x24x10
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Large Repeating Sparrow Trap 36x24x10

Fully assembled Large Repeating Sparrow trap measures 36"x24"x10". Holds dozens of sparrows at one time. Time tested and proven multi-chamber design with water and food station included. Each trap comes with 6 entrance funnel doors and 3 top access doors.

Designed, made and used by bird trapping professionals. Years of experience and common sense went into the construction of these tough, durable and economical live capture wire mesh traps. Nixalite offers a variety of traps for all situations.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Having the best trapping equipment does not guarantee trapping success. Bird and animal trapping can be as much art as it is science and you might not catch anything. Effective trapping takes careful planning, a knowledge of the target species, the correct bait, trap location and more.Made in the USA


Large Repeating Sparrow Trap 36x24x10

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What Makes Bird Traps from Nixalite the Best:
  • All traps are made in the USA
  • Each trap is designed by an experienced trapping professional
  • All humane, live capture traps. No poisons or toxic baits
  • HD steel wire and/or steel rod construction
  • Repeating traps catching multiple birds each setting
  • All traps are easily portable, even the huge V-Top trap
  • Bird Traps can be used anywhere, inside and outside
  • Use traps where other methods may not be appropriate
Fully assembled Large Repeating Sparrow trap measures 36"x24"x10". Holds dozens of sparrows at one time. Time tested and proven multi-chamber design with water and food station included. Each trap comes with 6 entrance funnel doors and 3 top access doors.

Designed, made and used by bird trapping professionals. Years of experience and common sense went into the construction of these tough, durable and economical live capture wire mesh traps. Nixalite offers a variety of traps for all situations.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Having the best trapping equipment does not guarantee trapping success. Bird and animal trapping can be as much art as it is science and you might not catch anything. Effective trapping takes careful planning, a knowledge of the target species, the correct bait, trap location and more.Made in the USA

Large Repeating Sparrow Trap 36x24x10
Fully assembled large repeating sparrow trap. Holds dozens of sparrows at one time. Time tested and proven multi-chamber design with water and food station included. Each trap comes with 6 entrance funnel doors and 3 top access doors. 36"x24"x10" #SWSP3WF